Church Ministries

mens breakfast

Men's Tuesday Morning Breakfast

Each Tuesday Morning at 8:30 a.m. located at Perfect Cup in Matlacha.  

GEM Ministry

G.E.M. at Atrium Assisted Living in Cape Coral

Golden Encouragement Ministry is an opportunity to minister to those who live at the Atrium Assisted Living in Cape Coral.  Each Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. we lead a time of worship with a hymn song and devotional with a group of residents.  This is such a special time that not only blesses the residents, the staff, but also those who come a join in .


Crafters for Christ

Wednesday Mornings 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon.

Crafters for Christ welcomes ladies of all ages to come each Wednesday. This special group of woman gather together to pray for and bless our community.  Maybe you enjoy knitting, card sending, flip flop decorating, teddy bear stuffing, or maybe your not crafty at all, but you want to help others in need of encouragement.  Than Crafters for Christ is for you.  Crafters decorates flip flops for the children's hospital so the children have something fun on their feet when they walk down the halls to a test and they knit prayer shawls for those who are hurting and need to feel wrapped in  love.  They stuff bears also for the children's hospital for patients having surgery.  They also collect goodies on the first Wednesday of each month to be presented to our island Sheriff's office and Fire Departments to "Bless the Badge".  No talent is needed just a heart willing to bless someone else.  

girls camp 2020

Teamkid and JAM Youth Group

Each Wednesday Evening at 7:45p.m. starting October 2nd.

Teamkid Ages:  K- 5th Grade

JAM Youth Group:  Middle and High School Students

Cost:  FREE



Open Bible

Wednesday Night Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Each Wednesday Evening at 7:00 p.m. come for a time for prayer requests followed by time

in the Word of God.

meal minsitry 2

Breaking Bread Ministry

Do you know someone who can use a homemade meal because they are going through a hard time, caregiver, sick, or a shut in?  Or maybe it is a praise like a new baby! 

Breaking Bread Ministry is an opportunity to serve and be served.  This ministry provides homemade, frozen meals to those who can use the help or encouragement.  The Church Fellowship Hall freezer is loaded with individually sized meals each marked by what the item is, who made it, and when it was made.  Please feel free to contact the Church if you know someone in need.

Also, if you would like to make meals for this ministry, please contact the church.  

Blessing the Badge

Blessing the Badge

First Wednesday of Each Month at 10:00 a.m.

We have the honor of blessing the three Pine Island Fire Department Stations and two Sheriffs Offices each month with a basket full of donated goodies as a appreciation for all they do for our community.  As well as we pray over those baskets, asking God to protect the first responders while they serve.